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Разное и интересноеCorrelation Between High Water Intake and Lowered Coronary Heart Disease

In 1999, nearly 530,000 people died from coronary heart disease. More than half of them had no previous symptoms of heart disease. Drinking high levels of water can significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, say researchers at Loma Linda University.

April 25, 2002 (press release): Loma Linda University reveals first study on correlation between
High water intake and lowered coronary heart disease
Jacqueline Chan, DrPH and Synnove Knutsen, MD, PhD.

In 1999, nearly 530,000 people died from coronary heart disease.
More than half of them had no previous symptoms of heart disease. Drinking high levels of water can
significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, say researchers at Loma Linda University.

In a press conference held Thursday, April 25, the results of a study to be published in the American
Journal of Epidemiology (Vol. 155, No.9) reveal that drinking high amounts of plain water is as
important as exercise, diet, or not smoking in preventing coronary heart disease.

"Basically, not drinking enough water can be as harmful to your heart as smoking," warns Jacqueline
Chan, DrPH, principle investigator and lead author of the article.
Dr. Chan and Synnove Knutsen, MD, PhD, second author, chair of epidemiology department, found
that California Seventh-day Adventists who drink five or more glasses of plain water a day have a
much lower risk of fatal coronary heart disease compared to those who drink less than two glasses per

The study, "Water, Other Fluids, and Fatal Coronary Heart Disease," indicates that whole blood
viscosity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, and fibrinogen which are considered independent risk factors for
coronary heart disease, can be elevated by dehydration.

The water study is part of the original Adventist Health Study, which began in 1973. Both researchers
are also coinvestigators for the new Adventist Health Study.

The results from this study show that by drinking more plain water, healthy people-without any history
of heart disease, stroke, or diabetes-reduced their risk of dying from a heart attack by half or more.
This is as much or more than if they had adopted any other well-known preventive measure, including
stopping smoking and lowering cholesterol levels, increasing exercise or maintaining ideal weight.

While not as glamorous, the degree of benefit from drinking plain water surpasses that of drinking a
moderate amount of alcohol intake and aspirin with none of the adverse side effects (social or
physiological). Because drinking more plain water is a simple lifestyle change that anybody can do, this
simple practice has the potential of saving tens of thousands of lives each year with minimal cost.

Neither total fluid intake, nor intake of other fluids combined showed this reduced risk. Instead, for
women, high intake (5 or more glasses a day) of other fluids showed a greatly increased risk of coronary
heart disease.

"People need to be made aware that there is a difference, at least for heart health, whether they get their
fluids from plain water or from sodas," says Dr. Chan.

According to Dr. Chan, this is the first study to record the association between high water intake and
reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

"This study needs to be replicated, and if similar results are found, then this would be the cheapest and
simplest method of preventing coronary heart disease that could be imagined,"adds Gary Fraser, MD,
PhD, cardiologist at the LLU Heart Institute, and principal investigator for the new Adventist Health

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All contents copyright © 2001 Loma Linda University. All rights reserved.
Revised Monday, May 6, 2002 3:08 PM
Send comments and questions to webmaster@univ.llu.edu

URL: http://www.llu.edu

Разместил: chappa | Дата: 25.02.2004
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